"In my opinion, this meditation, or others similar to it, must spread like wildfire if we, the people, ever want to evolve towards realizing more understanding, cooperation, peace, joy, compassion and love in the world..."

In order to get the greatest benefit from these lightly guided meditations, my suggestion is to watch the Introductory Video before watching the other videos and exploring the rest of the site.

If you already have a meditation practice, I ask that you set that aside for the moment and I invite you to approach this experience with a totally open mind. There is a wonderful opportunity in this video for you to have a direct experience of your True Self, which will enhance and deepen your understanding of the shorter videos and what you read on the rest of this site.

EM&B Introductory Video (22 min.)

Now that you have experienced an EM&B meditation, there are many helpful details in the upcoming pages that can enhance your ability to discover the Peace, Love, Happiness and Enlightenment that is right Here! Just click on the blue button.

And there are also some additional meditations of varying lengths below - from 2 minutes to 14 minutes that demonstrate how you can do EM&B for any length of time, whatever you have available in the moment.

I have found  through my own experience and the experience of others, that deepening Enlightenment is accelerated more quickly the more frequently we “Allow our thoughts to be” throughout the day. I suggest using EM&B at least three or four times a day (or more if you can). This can be for as little as 30 seconds. Doing this for even for 15 seconds, several times a day, is beneficial. Use the videos to support you in the beginning, until you become able to shift your attention on your own to What you really Are.

Additional Meditations


This website information and the meditations are for educational purposes only and are not intended in any way to be a replacement for, or a substitute to, qualified medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or as a replacement for, or a substitute to, psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment or therapy. If you think you are suffering from a medical or psychological condition, consult your doctor or other appropriately qualified professional person or service.

Jeff is not a physician, mental health practitioner or addictions counselor. He does not give advice about how to live your life. He does not employ psychological techniques to improve your thinking, personal story or belief systems. His work is similar to that of a practitioner, rabbi or minister providing spiritual, educational or pastoral services.

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