“Come with me on an inner journey to remove the blockages that seem to stand in the way of knowing your True Self…”
Exploring our inner world isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable or even painful. Emotions show up that we don’t want to feel, memories appear that we’d rather avoid. That is why it can be helpful to have the support of someone who is experienced in holding the space for you, gently encouraging you to fully meet what you are experiencing and even go more deeply into it. As a certified Living Inquiries facilitator since 2013, I am honored to offer that support.
When we work together, emphasis is placed on being with whatever thoughts and emotions are arising (including resistance to what you are experiencing), rather than trying to escape from them or change them. However, sometimes you may not be ready to fully meet certain experiences and that is perfectly okay. We move at whatever pace is right for you and you are never required to explore anything you aren’t ready to.
Sometimes we will explore feelings in greater detail than you might be used to - taking the time to notice your reactions to specific words or images or noticing the subtle qualities of a feeling, whether in the form of an emotion or an energetic sensation.
Although some issues can resolve in one session, this work is generally not a quick fix. It can take time for many mental and emotional patterns to release their hold on you, although you will generally see incremental improvements in how you respond to thoughts, feelings, people and situations that have habitually triggered you into feelings of anger, deficiency, fear, paralysis or compulsive behavior. And when you process what is coming up for you from the perspective of This Present and Spacious Awareness that you really Are, issues can move through and resolve more quickly.
The work that we do can also assist and complement what is done with a therapist, if you are already seeing one.
What I Offer You
I am here to support you in whatever way serves you best. I am here as a space for you to actively explore, sit quietly with a feeling or talk through something that is troubling you. I’ll ask you simple questions to help draw out what needs to be seen, what needs to be felt. I do not try to modify your experience or direct your session toward a particular outcome. Instead, I am here to help you to go deeper and to more effectively bring into the light what is wanting to be seen, felt and released.
What I Don’t Offer You
I am not here to give you specific advice about your health, your relationships, your job or your finances. The exploration itself will often provide the clarity you need to reach your own conclusions, or trust your own intuition, about what would serve you best and what, if anything, you need to do.
I can meet with you by phone or Zoom video conferencing (Zoom is free and easy to sign up with at Please contact me using the form below to schedule a session.
Sessions generally last an hour or so. However, a session can sometimes feel complete in a shorter period of time or may take a bit longer. A session costs $75 (or a package of four is $280). There is a sliding scale for those who truly need it - no one is turned away. Payments may be made through PayPal or by check.
We respect your privacy and will not share your email address.
Julie is not a physician, mental health practitioner or addictions counselor. She does not give advice about how to live your life. She does not employ psychological techniques to improve your thinking, personal story or belief systems. Her work is similar to that of a practitioner, rabbi or minister providing spiritual, educational or pastoral services.
These sessions are not intended in any way to be a replacement for, or a substitute to, qualified medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or as a replacement for, or a substitute to, psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment or therapy. If you think you are suffering from a medical or psychological condition, consult your doctor or other appropriately qualified professional person or service. However, EM&B may complement any other treatment you may be involved in.
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